Not satisfied with your current implementation partner?

Save the implementation of your Microsoft D365 and ServiceNow projects!

Implementations of failed solutions are not uncommon.

Without proper planning and a well-honed methodological approach to project execution, many companies fail to achieve the implementation of IT solutions.

It is in these complex situations that WorkinWith experts intervene in Rescue mode to save projects and allow companies to achieve their objectives.

A specialized Rescue team comes into play at any stage of the implementation to analyze and model a new method that allows the project to be restarted in the best conditions.

If you're dissatisfied with your current implementation partner or your implemented Dynamics 365 or ServiceNow projects aren't producing the expected results ? 
Our specialists help you make things better.

Our committed team at your side is a real support in these extremely complex times when it is important to keep a cool head.

Microsoft D635 & ServiceNow Project Rescue

The WorkinWith Delivery Framework shows you the way!

The implementation of Dynamics 365 or ServiceNow Projects involves the use of the skills and knowledge of many people at the partner but also internally.

Who better than your employees to know your needs and flexibility?


Thus, our Rescue team considers that each interlocutor brings a unique talent and expertise. It determines a methodology by sharing collaboration and task coordination efforts with your own teams.

Every project is different, which is why it has its own combination of collaborators and expert partners, creating the ideal project team.

A tailor-made method

Correcting a failed or failed project is tricky, but our experts have the tools, accelerators, experience and above all the expertise to make it happen!
Here's how we do it:


  • Assessment of the current status of your project

  • Analysis of the factors that caused problems during the implementation

  • Understanding of your initial project as well as your past and current goals

  • Compare the current state to your goals

  • Analysis of organizational and technical issues

  • Discussion about your current needs and our solutions


  • Creation of tactical and strategic plans using the WorkinWith method to save your project while respecting your schedule

  • Audit of all stakeholders

  • Understanding of processes and bottlenecks

  • Prioritization of execution

  • Gain buy-in from all stakeholders


  • Fixing non-functional architectures

  • Addressing Error Configurations

  • Supplement or replace customization

  • Engage stakeholders for ongoing feedback


  • Train and prepare users to be up and running on Day 1

  • Elaboration of reference documents to ensure ease of use

  • Remove user reluctance related to the previous implementation


  • Deployment planning to minimize disruption

  • Post-implementation monitoring of performance and functionality issues


  • Assiduous post-implementation follow-up by our support team

  • Ongoing support services in multiple languages

  • Change and release management

  • Post-implementation audit to increase the efficiency of your solution
WorkinWith, a Trusted Partner

IT project rescue is a specific expertise that requires the use of a team experienced in Rescue methods

All the projects we have been involved in have been saved.

In each intervention, we mobilized a range of skills at each stage of the restart of projects.

Thus, human skills are essential to objectively distinguish real problems from those that are imagined.
We combine technical skills to customize solutions and optimize their results according to your needs.


During project rescues, it is also and above all the creative intelligence of our team of experts that has made it possible to imagine the right solutions.

Rescue is a demanding activity as the expectations of customers are extremely high following their previous failure. These missions require a lot of pedagogy to explain to all parties the best course of action, but also a lot of energy at the start in order to regain confidence in an external partner.

Our teams understand that it is essential to establish a relationship of trust and absolute transparency with the customer as quickly as possible.

During our interventions, we have observed that the failure of an implementation is often linked to an accumulation of problems that could have been solved independently of each other.

Thus, it is a succession of unmanaged risks that has often led to a global blockage of the project.

Similarly, if the results of implementing a solution are not up to your expectations, it is likely that you are at a crucial stage in the development of your project.

Do not hesitate to contact us, our team of Experts will enlighten you!