WorkinWith the Solution

Does your team not know how to manage the many complex IT projects?

An enterprise needs a comprehensive lifecycle strategy for its IT software in a VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity) world, as this helps it adapt to a rapidly changing business environment.

The strategy should include plans for the development, maintenance and retirement of software to ensure that it remains relevant and meets the needs of the business.

The strategy should address potential risks and contingencies, such as how to manage software that becomes obsolete or respond to unexpected changes in the market.

Having a comprehensive lifecycle strategy for IT software helps an organization be more agile and responsive to change, which is essential to succeed in a VUCA world.

Microsoft has provided an answer to this question with Lifecycle Services in the cloud.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Integrator
CRM & ERP projects deployed worldwide

Based on this and on the experience gained in numerous projects over the last 20 years, the experts at WorkinWith have created a Delivery Framework (project methodology) which can be divided into three sections: pre-Readiness (preparation), during-Implementation and post-Value Realization (support and service).
Due to the continuous development of processes and functions, this method has to fit flexibly into each stage of the sub-projects.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Integrator

The WorkinWith Delivery Framework shows you the way!

Our proven WorkinWith Delivery Framework shows your team the way!

We have the right concept and working method for every phase of your project and IT installation!


Before implementation can begin, it is important to ensure the cooperation of the overall team.

Then the real challenges must be identified, discussed and transferred into the search for solutions.

The documentation of the processes is of great importance.

All steps should be simple and should not leave any team member with problems.

The result of the preparation phase is the description of a functional minimum product and thus the basis for the implementation.


Special role of process documentation

In a world where more and more software and applications are available, it is of utmost importance for companies that their processes are documented in a complete, flexible, updatable and understandable way. Why is this so?
Process documentation is important to modern businesses for a number of reasons, including:


Well-documented processes help ensure that work is completed efficiently and consistently, with minimal errors and rework. This helps improve productivity and reduce costs.


Documented processes help ensure that work is performed to consistently high standards, which helps improve the quality of products and services.


Many industries have regulations and standards that companies must comply with. Proper documentation of processes helps ensure that the company is in compliance with these regulations.


Well-documented processes serve as a training tool for new employees, helping them understand how the work should be done and what is expected of them.

Collaboration :

Documented processes facilitate collaboration and communication within a team and with other teams and departments in the organization.

Overall, process documentation helps companies improve efficiency, quality, and compliance, and promotes better collaboration and communication within the organization.

The challenge for many organizations is that process documentation is not living and continuously updated, but is only updated during audits or certifications. This is unfortunate because there is still significant potential for improvement in most organizations.